About Us

Commenced in the year of 2014, Fruitate has innovatively created a niche for themselves by administering the first ever ideal combination of fresh fruits and vibrant flowers, designed in the most outstanding way. The brainchild revolves around a creative thought, “Why only have a flower when you can have fruit flower.”

The members of Fruitate have dedicated themselves from the very beginning to deliver high-quality service in a creative way, nurturing and accomplishing wonderful presentation to yield maximum customer satisfaction. Our customers are given utmost priority and their requirements are well taken care of by delivering customized combinations of flower and fruit platter. We also make sure of pristine ceramic or glass dishes for the platter and handpicked tender and juicy fruits which are beautifully assorted with aromatic fresh flowers and lush green leaves. The entire presentation has a captivating outlook which simply enthralls everyone. The fruits and flowers are carefully combined to maintain a safe and healthy combination for a long-lasting period.

Fruitate aims to bring over a charming experience in every individual’s life with their extraordinary demonstration of fruits and flowers.
Be a part of this wonderful experience and share your views about our creative combinations.



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